10 Free Things to Do in New York You will Love

As soon as you hear New York, you picture the Empire State Building, Times Square, Central Park, busy streets, fancy hotels, aesthetically pleasing restaurants, and whatnot. And all of it has a rich essence to it. You would think you’ll have to be a millionaire to even step into the city. However, that isn’t all that true. You can visit New York and make the most of it without spending all your money. All you need to do is plan your visit and know how to enjoy the perfect New York experience while minimizing your spending. So, to help you, we’ve listed 10 free things to do in New York that you will love:

  1. Stroll down Central Park: New York’s most famous urban park in the heart of Manhattan is a beautiful place to spend a day in. You can experience the New York vibe without spending a lot of money.
  2. Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge: Some bridges are worth crossing, especially for the views. Brooklyn Bridge is the place to click Instagramable pictures as it elicits the perfect New York feel.
  3. Explore the High Line: You don’t have to spend a fortune to make the most of the city. Just take your camera and a water bottle, and explore. The High Line is an elevated park built on a historic freight rail and offers a sight.
  4. Visit the American Museum of Natural History: If you’re a history buff, chances are you will fall in love with this surreal confluence of history, science and art, which has a variety of exhibits on natural history and science.
  5. Free Tour of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York: What’s a New York visit without the obsession of seeing everything there is to see? Especially if it’s free. Take a tour of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for free in your free time.
  6. Visit the New York Public Library: This one is for the Bibliophiles. If you love books or the aesthetic of wandering in a library, you must visit the New York Public Library, which is home to an enormous collection of books and artifacts. It’s free!
  7. Take a Free Ferry: Who doesn’t love a free ferry that takes you to the Statue of Liberty? So, hop on a ferry and view the colossal neoclassical sculpture on Liberty Island for free.
  8. Walk through Greenwich Village and SoHo: Wherever you go, you must visit places that aren’t conventional. So, when you visit New York, take a walk across Greenwich Village and SoHo to get in touch with the unconventional side of NYC. It costs a little time.
  9. Go to the Bronx Zoo: If you love animals, you must visit the Bronx Zoo, one of the largest urban zoos in the world.
  10. Visit the New York Transit Museum: If you like to explore things that are out of the ordinary, you can visit the New York Transit Museum for free. It features exhibits on the City’s Subway and Bus Systems and is as intriguing as it sounds.

You can do all of this and more in New York for free in your free time. See, you don’t have to lose money to gain experience and make the most of your visit. Now that you know how much there is to do in New York without spending money, are you ready to fly to ‘The Empire State’? If so, head to Travel Unravel to browse and compare flight deals from the best airlines, all in one place!

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