How to Save Money while Travelling – 20 Realistic Hacks

Gone are the days when travelling to another city or country was a once-in-a-lifetime dream. Now, travelling is easy and more affordable with the whole world connected with flights, some of which are cheap enough for anyone to
fly in. Travelling on a budget is possible. All you have to do is take small yet significant steps to manage your travelling expenses. We’ve listed 20 realistic hacks to save money while travelling for you. And remember, the little you save with every little hack adds up to a lot in the end.

  1. Set a budget and stick to it. Keep tabs on expenditures using an expense tracker. It’ll keep you from overspending.
  2. Book your trip in advance to get your hands on early bird discounts. As soon as you have a plan, book the tickets.
  3. Choose alternative destinations that are less expensive. Do your research to find cheaper places that offer a similar experience.
  4. Stay in vacation rentals or hostels instead of hotels. It offers a wholesome experience, and you can also gel with people.
  5. Make the most of your cooking skills to avoid eating out all the time.
  6. Take public transport instead of renting a car to get around the blocks. It can save you money, and it is an adventure in itself.
  7. Prepare an itinerary to know where you want to be, what you want to do and how much you want to spend.
  8. Keep an eye out for deals and discounts on activities and attractions.
  9. Ask locals for shopping advice. They know the best and cheapest places to shop, especially for groceries.
  10. Travel during off-seasons to avoid peak prices and crowds.
  11. Spend time on low-cost activities and attractions in your destination.
  12. Carry your water bottle and refill it instead of spending your hard-earned money on bottled water.
  13. Use apps or websites to explore deals and discounts on things to do and see in your destination.
  14. Book your flights on Travel Unravel to get exclusive discounts and flight deals on top airlines.
  15. Eat local food instead of finding places that specifically sell your comfort food unless you have to. It’ll save you a lot of money as local food is comparatively cheaper.
  16. If you need to ride a cab, use ride-share-style cabs to lower your fare. You might end up making friends on the way.
  17. Find, compare and book the cheapest flight to your destination on Travel Unravel.
  18. Avoid drinking at the bars. The alcohol is overpriced, and you can save the money to spend elsewhere, perhaps on experiences.
  19. Avoid buying and collecting too many souvenirs; they end up gathering dust in most cases. Collect memories and click pictures instead.
  20. Take out a weekly budget in cash. It will keep you from going over your budget and control your spending.

Make the most of travelling without spending most of your money using these hacks. You can use the money you save to extend your trip or plan another trip. So, are you ready to spend less on travelling and more on experiences? Visit Travel Unravel to get exclusive deals on flight booking. Enter your destination, find and compare flight deals on top airlines and book the one that suits and saves you the most

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